Would you like assistance with your product or an order?

You are in the right place.

Write a message by filling out the form below, remember to also include your phone number if you need a quick contact.
Our technical team will get back to you within 24 hours. Thank you for choosing us!

Enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
If the reason is not listed contact us directly.
Find the order number in your email or account. It is the numeric code followed by the hash mark (#)
It is the unique serial number of the device. If you cannot find it, contact support at +39 0902937812
Click or drag files to this area to upload them. You can upload up to 3 files.
From a smartphone or tablet you can also take photos by clicking the box. It is not mandatory to add the files.
Also check the SPAM box if you do not receive our communications

Do you need to send a product in for service?

If you have already spoken with our colleagues and have been asked to send us a product for repair, please note that before sending it, you will need to download our service form, fill it out and attach it to the package that will be delivered to us.


PLEASE NOTE: Assistance will not be handled in the absence of the properly completed and submitted form.