The shopping cart gets the job done with Alma! Choose Reconditioned Smart Generation

Your trolley is going the distance with Alma!

On Smart Generation comes the new Alma payment method to pay for your purchases in 4 installments.

Every day we strive to make shopping on Smart Generation. That is why we decided to introduce a new installment payment method that is one of the most popular in the industry: Alma.

With this solution you can buy your devices in 4 monthly installments if your cart is between 50€ and 4000€.

Alma's interface is highly innovative, which makes your shopping on our marketplace convenient and flexible.

How to pay with Alma in 3 easy steps

  1. Add the products you prefer to the cart by reaching between 50€ and 4000€.
  2. Choose Alma as your payment method and indicate whether you want to defer your purchase in 2, 3 or 4 installments.
  3. In just a few clicks it's done, all you need to do is enter your cell phone number and card details to proceed with payment.

To purchase with Alma you do not need to register or provide any proof of income. Only in some cases will Alma ask for confirmation of identity through a photograph to your ID. The procedure will be simple and you will be able to complete the purchase in just over 1 minute.

What cards can be used for payment with Alma?

- Cards accepted are Visa, MasterCard and Amex, issued in France, Belgium, Spain, Germany and Italy.

- All prepaid MasterCard circuit cards are accepted.

- Virtual and systematically authorized cards are not accepted.

What are you waiting for? We go the extra mile for you, you go the extra mile for your cart with Alma!

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