Smart Generation is one of "The Stars of E-Commerce 2020/2021" - Smart Generation

Smart Generation is one of "The Stars of E-Commerce 2020/2021"

Our success is only because of YOU.

Smart Generation is one of "The Stars of E-Commerce 2020/2021"


Quality, safety, speed and service have always been the cornerstones of Smart Generation.


Today, thanks to you who trust us every day, we have received great recognition for our work by being among "The Stars of E-Commerce 2020/2021."


The Evening Courier in collaboration with Statista, a "Marketing Research" company, carried out the first Italian survey to determine which 500 domestic e-commerce companies are the most appreciated by users, the most reliable and the most comprehensive; we are among them.


The criteria of this survey are both objective, surveyed by professional testers, and subjective, based on more than 20 thousand evaluations collected by online questionnaire on users' shopping experience in their favorite e-shops.


Thanks to the commitment of our staff who are ready to advise and assist you every day, to our logistics staff who with professionalism and experience are ready to fulfill your every order in record time, and to our partners who deliver your refurbished devices intact and on time.


Most importantly.


THANKS TO YOU who give us your trust and help us grow every day, we are pleased to announce that as of September 21, 2020, we will be featured in "The Stars of E-Commerce 2020/2021" ranking to be published in The Economy and on the website and the seal of this recognition will then become an award attesting to Smart Generation 's status of excellence on the national scene.


We are waiting for you as always on our website to guarantee quality Refurbished devices, competitive prices, purchase assistance, and fast and safe delivery as well as payment methods, always at your service...


From today only with a few more stars!


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